Speaking & Training
Dr. Goecke-Watson believes that the more we know, the more we can help and connect. As such, she is very passionate about being a resource to help individuals, businesses, nonprofits, and communities learn more and better understand topics such as mental health, trauma, domestic violence, etc. She can share previously designed trainings or custom tailor presentations for whatever your training and/or speaking engagement needs might be.
Sample Topics
What is Trauma
What is Domestic Violence
Neurological Impacts of Trauma
Increasing Self-Awareness
Burnout and Burnout Prevention
What are Boundaries
Boundary-Setting Strategies
Emotion Management Strategies
Thought Management Strategies
Trauma Informed Care
Better Understanding PTSD
Steps to Establishing a Private Practice
Adjunct Instructor
People Incorporated
Psychotic Disorders
Stages of Change
Trainings History
12-Part Training Series on Trauma-Informed Care for Lawyers and Domestic Violence Shelter Staff
Neurological Impacts of Trauma for Multiple Domestic Violence Shelters
Establishing a Private Practice for Doctoral Students
2-Part Training Series on Understanding and Managing Domestic Violence for Mediator Training
Better Understanding How to Work with Domestic Violence Survivors with Mental Health Professionals
Understanding Psychological Testing with Mental Health Professionals
Working with Domestic Violence for Mental Health and Professional Advocacy Staff at Trauma Conference
Understanding the Doctoral Degree Internship Process at Multiple Professional Association Conferences
Understanding Dissociation with Mental Health Professionals
Talking about Topics Difficult for Therapists with Behavioral Health Students